Easter stands as the centrepiece of our faith. As you prepare to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus, I encourage you to read the following scriptures, meditate on them, sit with them, take a moment to answer the questions and check out the playlists below to play during your time alone with God.
Often the greatest struggle in a believers life is spending time with God. If you struggle you aren’t alone. Sitting with God, praying, listening and reading the Word is the most powerful thing you can do as a believer. It makes you strong and transforms your life. When you struggle in this area it’s important to recognize this is a spiritual battle. The illusion of ‘not having time’ is often a deceptive tactic in this battle. We have time for TV, books, social media, scrolling, video games, Netflix, texting, working out etc. With a spiritual battle we are easily tempted and distracted by the things that have no eternal value. To overcome this re-evaluate your day, your time, your priorities and ask God to give you a hunger for Him. Resist the temptation to spend time on the insignificant. We all have time for what is important to us. God will help you overcome these temptations and you can be victorious! Your journey of overcoming can start today.
Palm Sunday
Matthew 21:1-17
Mark 11:1-25
Luke 19:28-44
The same crowd that shouted “Hosanna” also shouted “crucify Him”. This shows us the fickle heart of humanity. How can you live in a way that your heart is pure?
Why do you think Jesus came into Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey?
The disciples asked Jesus, “Where do you want us to go and prepare a place for you to eat the Passover?” The “upper room” where Jesus wants to share this meal with us is our hearts. Have you had an upper room encounter with Jesus? Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? If not, ask Him to baptize you today.
How can you open your heart to invite Jesus in, to invite other people in and offer yourself in love to others?
Jesus gives us a new commandment – “love one another as I have loved you.” Jesus was a leader who served others. How might you ‘wash the feet’ of others by going outside your comfort zone?
Good Friday
Matthew 26
Matthew 27
Mark 15
Luke 23
When you take communion this Good Friday ask: ‘What do I need to do to heal any divisions with my family, friends colleagues?’ Is there someone you need to forgive? What steps can you take towards forgiveness?
Is there an area of your life which is your own Gethsemane, a desert in your life? Are you aware that Jesus is with you? How is He with you?
What do we learn from the story of Peter betraying Jesus?
What is your cross that you take up to follow Jesus?
How can you help Jesus carry His cross by stepping forward to help others carry theirs? What practical ways can you help others?
Jesus died for you. List the ways you are thankful for His sacrifice.
Easter Sunday
Matthew 28:1-15
Mark 16
Luke 24:1-12
What does it mean to you to be loved so deeply and unconditionally by God, more than you can possibly imagine? How has He shown His love to you?
Why do you think Jesus appeared to women first at the tomb?
What is the significance of Jesus rising from the dead?
What has been dead was brought to life – what does the resurrection mean to you? What has Jesus resurrected in your life?
How can you continue to place your faith in God and grow in your faith?
How can you take the power and love of the risen Christ and share that with people around you?
Worship Playlists

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