
Session 1 – What did I just do?

What did I just do?
If you’ve recently given your life to God, this may be a question you’re asking yourself. Join us as we walk you through the first steps you should be taking after making a decision for Jesus.

Session 2 – How do I do this?

How do I do this? Next steps: There are 3 important parts about following Jesus that will help you walk in the most successful way.
1. The Bible
2. Prayer: how to pray, talking and listening
3. Church
Pastor Rob dives into how to read the Bible, how to pray and the importance of a church community.

Session 3 – What are my next steps?

So what’s next? What should my life look like as I follow Jesus?
1. Personal level – Start to form good habits of spiritual growth and development. – Daily devotions – specifics
2. Community level – get connected with your church – small groups – serving by using your gifts