Is God actually speaking to me? How can I learn to hear Him speak?
“Is God actually speaking to me? How can I learn to hear Him speak?”, was a question I asked myself. When I was young, both in age and in my faith, I vividly remember the day I gave my life to Jesus. From that moment, I began to hear a voice, much like the way I hear my own thoughts. This voice would convict, correct and teach me, yet it was always filled with love and peace. It started in the simplest ways, like when I would make fun of my friends harshly or even when it came to something as mundane as taking out the garbage. Before knowing Jesus, I would just throw my garbage anywhere. Yes, I was a naughty kid.
However, after giving my life to Jesus, an inner voice began to convict me, guiding me to dispose of my garbage properly.
It felt strange at first. I questioned why God would care about what I did with my garbage or whether I washed the dishes, considering He is busy running the world. Confused, I asked my father, a long-time Christian, to help me understand what was happening. He informed me that the voice I was hearing was coming from within because the Holy Spirit no longer lives outside of me, but inside me, as stated in 1 Corinthians 3:16.
1 Corinthians 3:16. “Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? ” I had never been taught to listen to the voice speaking from within me.
Since then, I realized that the Holy Spirit is always speaking. In fact, the Bible says God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it, Job 33:14.
One of the most obvious ways is through His Word.
Learning to hear His voice from the written Word is the safest way to begin because His voice sounds like His Word. The problem many Christians face today is not actually the inability to hear God, but discerning when it is God. We see this illustrated in 1 Samuel 3. Samuel didn’t have a problem hearing God’s voice; he struggled to discern and respond to it. Why? Well, verse 7 tells us why: “Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord: The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him.” Samuel needed Eli to teach him what he didn’t know.
I believe most Christians today face a similar problem. God is speaking, but so is the flesh, family, friends, the news, work and our circumstances. Amidst all this noise, discerning if God is actually speaking to us becomes challenging.
How Can We Discern His Voice?
Build a Close Relationship with Jesus
To discern God’s voice, it requires being in a close relationship with Jesus. We need to familiarize ourselves with the Word of God. Think about it this way: because of my relationship with my brothers, I can recognize their voices anytime I read their texts. Similarly, if I were in a crowded Sunday church service and my mother called my name, I would discern her voice amidst all those voices. Why? Because I have a relationship with her. If you begin to have fellowship with the Holy Spirit every day, you will begin to discern His voice.
Fellowship Through Worship, Prayer and Reading the Word
Fellowship with Him through worship, prayer and reading the Word prayerfully. The primary way God speaks is through His Word, the Bible. It is the ultimate guide and the standard against which all other voices should be tested.
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16, NIV).
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12, NIV).
Practical Steps to Hearing God’s Voice
Spend Time in Prayer: Regular, dedicated time in prayer helps attune your spirit to God’s voice. It is in these quiet moments that you can hear Him most clearly.
Read the Bible Regularly: The more you read the Bible, the more familiar you become with God’s character and His ways. His voice will always align with His Word.
Worship: Worship shifts your focus from your problems to God. It creates an atmosphere where you can hear His voice.
Seek Godly Counsel: Sometimes, we need the wisdom and experience of others to help us discern God’s voice. Just as Samuel needed Eli, we can benefit from the guidance of mature Christians.
Be Obedient: When you believe God is speaking to you, obey. Even if it seems small or insignificant, obedience builds your sensitivity to His voice. Obedience invites revelation and understanding.
Discerning God’s voice is not about a special formula or a mystical experience. It is about relationships. The closer you are to God, the more clearly you will hear Him. Just as a child recognizes their parent’s voice in a crowded room, you will recognize God’s voice amidst the noise of life if you spend time with Him. God will speak to you in the way you hear best and that can be through the Word, a small voice, a thought, an audible voice, in dreams, in a vision, unusual circumstances and through the gifts of the Spirit.
Remember, God cares about every aspect of your life, even the small things like where you throw your garbage or whether you wash the dishes. As you grow in your relationship with Him, you will hear His voice.