I was in the middle of worship on a Sunday morning the moment I realized I needed to see a professional counsellor. It was my second year of Bible College and I was experiencing the worst anxiety I had ever experienced in my life (if you know me, that is saying something!). In the midst of beautiful corporate worship I was having a panic attack. On top of the feelings of panic, I was feeling so angry with myself and disappointed with God. I thought that if I prayed, or worshiped or read my Bible enough that the racing of my mind and the beating of my heart would slow down. But here I was, in what was supposed to be a safe place, having a full bodied response to the anxiety that was consuming me. I knew then that there had to be a better way than this.
That evening I located a Christian counsellor near me and booked my first appointment. Having someone who was equipped and trained to walk with me through my anxieties and struggles truly changed the game. To surround ourselves with wise counsel is proven time and time again to be the healthy way to live.
We see this idea in multiple places throughout Scripture, especially throughout Proverbs. I love Proverbs 11:14 which says: “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety.” This idea of “safety” is so precious. Safety is defined as “the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.” When we have counsel in our lives we are putting up protection from the dangers and risks that can attack us from every side. And when we choose to prioritize our mental health through the use of counsellors, we are putting up a safeguard in our hearts and minds which will ultimately help us to be a holistically healthy person.
One thing that often prevents people from speaking to a mental health professional is that they have a hard time seeing it as anything other than a lack of faith. I just want to tell you right now, that is the furthest thing from the truth.
Seeking out help is not an example of weakness nor is it you saying that you don’t believe in the power of God.
Well meaning people could be perpetuating this idea by offering prayer and Scripture as a band aid solution rather than listening to the struggle that is being communicated. Don’t hear what I am not saying here – prayer can change anything and Scripture is living and active. But there is danger when you recommend these things to people without stopping to hear what they are saying or recognize if they are in crisis.
If you broke your leg, you would go to a doctor. You would also pray and invite God into the situation and ask for healing, but you would go to a doctor. You would use the wisdom that God gave you and you would seek the professional help that is needed. Your mental health is absolutely the exact same. When you are experiencing a mental health crisis, you need to see the doctor. Again, you would pray and ask God for help and healing, but you also need to use wisdom to seek out proper care. Seeking out a Christian counsellor allows you to walk with someone who is fully trained and equipped to offer you the support that you need while bringing things back to God. Having friends and family members and even pastors to talk to is so important and fruitful. But if you are experiencing a mental health struggle, you need to talk to someone who has training. Again, using the broken leg analogy- your friend could be by your side as you seek medical help, but if they had no training you wouldn’t want them setting the bone back in place.
You are a valuable, precious image bearer of God – you deserve health and wholeness in every area of your life including your mental health. I pray that if you’re feeling any sort of blockage keeping you from seeking out counselling that it would be broken down in Jesus name. I pray that you will find the correct person to talk to and there will be healing in your heart and mind and soul. Amen!
Attached are some Christian Counselling Resources for the Ottawa area. I truly encourage you to reach out to a certified Christian Counsellor if you are feeling the push to do so. Bless you.
– Orleans Christian Counselling
– Christian Counselling Ottawa
– The Whitestone Clinic
– Elim Counselling
– Cross Care