Prayer Requests

Your prayer request will be prayed for by our Bethel family and it will be one of our prayer points at our Wednesday night prayer meeting. We want to partner with you and believe with you for the miracle you need.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


A few months back I began a new chronic pain treatment for my back that has worked miracles! Unfortunnately we are still in the early stages, and the pain relief started to fade a month ago and I am still not sure when my next Doctor's appointment is going to be. Please pray for the pain to subside at least a bit so I can continue every day routines until I see the specialist and continue with treatment. Yesterday I had difficulty moving due to the pain and immobility in my back. Trusting the Lord! If this new treatment works, I will be totally free from having to use narcotic pain relievers within a year!

Received: May 26, 2024

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