Prayer Requests

Your prayer request will be prayed for by our Bethel family and it will be one of our prayer points at our Wednesday night prayer meeting. We want to partner with you and believe with you for the miracle you need.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


I am requesting a prayer - I am currently on strike with The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa as many of you may have seen in the news.

I am requesting a prayer that God will put it in the minds of our employer to come back to the table and negotiate for a fair offer for everyone.

I am also requesting a prayer for God to put in the minds of the Ontario Government for additional funding for CAS all across Ontario to help children and families in need.

It's a tough time out there for our families and children in our community! I am requesting a prayer for God to look after the families that are on my caseload as I am away.

Thank you

Received: July 9, 2024

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