
Session 1 – What did I just do?

What did I just do?
If you’ve recently given your life to God, this may be a question you’re asking yourself. Join us as we walk you through the first steps you should be taking after making a decision for Jesus.

Session 2 – How do I do this?

How do I do this? Next steps: There are 3 important parts about following Jesus that will help you walk in the most successful way.
1. The Bible
2. Prayer: how to pray, talking and listening
3. Church
Pastor Rob dives into how to read the Bible, how to pray and the importance of a church community.

Session 3 – What next?

So what’s next? What should my life look like as I follow Jesus?
1. Personal level – Start to form good habits of spiritual growth and development. – Daily devotions – specifics
2. Community level – get connected with your church – small groups – serving by using your gifts

Session 4 – Why Jesus?

So what’s next? What should my life look like as I follow Jesus?
1. Personal level – Start to form good habits of spiritual growth and development. – Daily devotions – specifics
2. Community level – get connected with your church – small groups – serving by using your gifts

Session 5 – More about Jesus

So why Jesus? What sets our faith in him apart from other religions?? Join Pastor Rob as he explains why we trust the Bible’s account of Jesus.

Session 6 – I have some questions

As a new believer you likely have some questions about your faith. Questions such as “Am I really forgiven? What happens if I sin again? and How will God speak to me?” These questions are natural, but not always easy to answer as a new believer. So join Pastor Rob today as he walks through these questions with you.