I see Peter as someone in the Bible who’s life events are a realistic example of what spiritual growth looks like.
He goes through ups and downs, mistakes and miracles, all while doing his best to follow Jesus. What’s encouraging about Peter’s story, is that God used Peter for his Kingdom’s purpose, despite the mistakes he made.
Some of the ways Peter the disciple faltered in his walk with Jesus was:
1) When Peter walked on water with Jesus but began to sink when he saw the wind and waves and doubted him (Matthew 14),
2) Failed to pray for Jesus when Jesus asked for the support (Matthew 26:40-45)
3) He denied he knew Jesus three times while Jesus was about to die on the cross (Luke 22:54-62)
These are just a few examples but there are many more. And honestly, I don’t think I would be any better! But what is amazing is Peter was still used by God in amazing ways.
Two examples in his life that show God’s presence was with Peter:
When he experienced being baptized by the Holy Spirit and was able to speak in tongues (Acts 2) and
When he experienced a group of Gentiles become baptized by the Holy Spirit after he shared the gospel with them (Acts 10).
If God only used perfect and faultless people, Peter wouldn’t have qualified to have witnessed and have the opportunity to be part of the miracles he saw. Take this as an encouragement – that despite our mistakes and flaws God still gives us the opportunity to be part of his Kingdom plans. When God calls us to do things that are outside of our comfort zone, don’t let the fear of making a mistake prevent you from stepping out into action. God uses his imperfect people so that God is magnified and glorified, and not ourselves.
Lastly, I have 5 burning questions I would be interested in asking Peter – some are out of genuine interest in his life and some would be for tips/ advice in my personal growth.
5 burning questions I would want to ask him are:
1. What advice do you have for someone who feels they have made a mistake in their journey with God and as a result feels inadequate to follow God?
2. What convinced you that Jesus was the Son of God?
3. What is your fondest memory with Jesus?
4. Which teaching of Jesus impacted you the most?
5. How do you get over the fear of rejection when sharing the gospel?

Terri Ng
Terri grew up in Calgary, Alberta chasing mountain adventures every weekend. She accepted Jesus into my life when she was in junior highschool and ever since she feels she’s been on a crazy rollercoaster ride with God. She has always loved being outside in nature and was inspired by God’s creation to pursue a professional career in environmental science. In addition she is inspired by nature and scripture and try to incorporate it into art that she makes in her free time.