Welcome to Bethel



Sunday Morning Celebrations – Two in person services every Sunday at 9 AM & 11 AM. Live streamed at 11 AM

Traducción en Español disponible a partir de este domingo!

Descarga la aplicación Interactio, trae tus audífonos, usa la clave: BELONG. Disfruta del Servicio

Easter is the heart of our faith—it’s the moment where we come together to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice and celebrate His victory over death. On the cross, He conquered sin and death forever, offering Himself as the ultimate sacrifice because of His incredible love for us. Easter is a powerful reminder of God’s grace and strength, and it’s a time for us to stand in awe of who He is and what He’s done for us. Let this truth inspire you! Join us in worship, and invite your friends and neighbours to experience the life-changing presence of Jesus. His resurrection brings hope and renewal for us all.

Good Friday – April 18th 10:30 am

Easter Sunday April 20th 9 AM & 11 AM

Following Jesus

If you have decided to follow Jesus, we’d love to get to know you. Please click here

Our Sunday celebrations are marked with a life filled worship service, an inspiring, practical message and a challenge to take Jesus to your work, school, home and neighbourhood every day of the week.
We are a multi – generational, intercultural church with over 70 nations represented. We love our city and are committed to impacting Ottawa and our world with the love of Jesus. We are affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

You Belong!

Bethel is a place where everyone can belong, believe and become.

We’re a presence driven church committed to impacting our city and our world.

Online Service

You can find our online service here every Sunday at 11:00 AM

Watch on Demand

Next Steps

You’ve been created for community and to use your gifts and talents to impact others

Join a Small Group

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Upcoming Events

Membership Class
March 23 or 30th 

Jr High Service
April 1st 7 pm

Easter Baptism
April 20th

Walking in the Spirit Course
April 29th – May 27th

Angelina & Sam Habib

“We called our baby Jairah (Jireh) because God provides.”

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